About the DMV 45 Angled Lens Remover
- For use with RGP and scleral lenses and PROSE devices
- Comes with hard plastic case
- Light blue
- Angled
- Sold individually or in box of 10
- European customers: please order from
Description (by Rebecca)
This is a specially shaped lens remover angled at 45 degrees so that your fingers are out of the line of sight while removing your lens.
Please note that because of the angle on the handle, this remover is (or at least seems!) shorter than the regular DMV Ultra... for those who have tried this and not liked it, that's the inevitable complaint. But for others, it seems to be just the right thing. I find that it's especially helpful for those with low vision or only one seeing eye.
Description (from the manufacturer's literature)
With the DMV® 45™, Insertion and removal are done at 45 degree angle with the fingers out of the line of sight.
Usage and care
What is the DMV 45 used for?
Removing gas permeable lenses, including PROSE and sclerals. Not suitable for removing soft contacts.
Instructions for use
Moisten the suction cup of the DMV 45 and guide it to the eye. Be sure the contact lens is centered on the eye. NOTE FROM REBECCA: These instructions are for RGPs, not scleral lenses! You should never place a DMV 45 right on the center of a scleral lens unless instructed to do so by your doctor. Align the suction cup in front of the lens and touch it to the center of the lens by using a mirror. Take the contact lens directly from the eye. After removal, carefully slide the contact lens sideways from the suction cup.
Place the wet contact lens on the shallow dimple in the narrow end of the handle. The wet lens will adhere in this position. Touch the lens to the eye.
In the event that the suction cup would be unintentionally attached to the eye, merely slide it to the outside corner and it can be easily removed by turning.
Keep this and all other medical devices away from small children. Use of this contact lens accessory product not recommended with diseased or injured eye.
Caution: This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions.
Cleaning and care
Keep your DMV 45 clean by washing it frequently with warm soapy water. Allow to air dry. Store the device in its case after dry.